Arcodd setting notes

The Ribbon – Trade route from Ionad to Aberafon.

Warden – a kind of wizard
Inlet of Skye – Foraise town
House of Day in the Bys Pynwydden, Evain
Flower Greater Celandine, and also “god’s footfalls” because they grow wherever a god’s feet touch the earth

Ternyn capitol of Aberavon
Foraise’s purple pumpkins
close to the border of Ternyn, and the fort on a hill at the crossing called Caer Bwyn (on the Ribbon)

Shards of the Egg of the Dragon

Maker’s Mirror
The science of Letters
The Eye
The Law of Hospitality (Macháin)

Rhys (falcon)- Lower taking presence above his brother Ciain.

The city of Aberafon is a kind of island between two branches of the Afon Toniad, called Afonton and Afonad. Two great, beautiful, blue-white Builder bridges arch across the rivers – one on the north and one on the south side of the city, joining Aberafon to the rest of Mawr with an unbreakable bond.

the Warren (the colloquial name for the House of Lords in Ternyn),

Elair an Láin ap Pensaran his open lover, Dubel of Cahál a frequent public visitor

Killian of Arddbyn, a spy, Walker of Ursean

P’ntri Pathfinder

NPCS: Caer Cuval – Gwrdyn (Head Questioner) – Kytamwe (Silent Questioner)

Murctyn – Lady Isyean (Lady of the Dun) – Klaen (traveling bard)

Tar Tranwyn – Lord Marryc Cyrdaen – Tanyc (Captain of the Guard) – Nelym (Seneschal) – Arric Cyrdean (deceased) – Saar (Arric’s friend, bodyman, Saren) – Ashk (head gardener) – Vyken (silver-furred Vulfen gardener) – Lokavar – Priest of the Sky House

The Invisible Way – path through the bogs from Pynwydden Abbey to Dun Crys


border of Ternyn, and the fort on a hill at the crossing called Caer Bwyn on the Ribbon


The party joined them on horseback, beating the fog to the hill of Caer Bwyn, which seemed too high for the thick fog to surmount. They were allowed to bathe and eat and settle before Llewer invited at least Caerdwyn and Bayeo to come with him to have a conversation with his Uncle Huw, the fort Commander Heilyn, and someone the uncle had mentioned with some reserve, named Master Ianto.


cramped public house at Dranbui, (Ternyn/Cahal)


when you peered into the Maker’s Mirror and beheld to create what was to come.


You’ve given me your terrible Double Eye
That sees all things as empty and as You.
You scathe all flesh to bone, flame bone to Light
How could I survive such horror, and splendour?

The great wizard king of Cahal on discovering the Science of the Eye.


He turned and walked back down the white road, which no one ever does, and brought color with him from the great green forest where the road ends.