
Caer Cuval

  • Gwrdyn (Head Questioner)
  • Kytamwe (Silent Question)


  • Lady Isyean (Lady of the Dun)
  • Klaen (traveling bard)

Tar Tranwyn

  • Lord Marryc Cyrdaen
  • Tanyc (Captain of the Guard)
  • Nelym (Seneschal)
  • Arric Cyrdean (deceased)
  • Saar (Arric’s friend, bodyman, Saren)
  • Ashk (head gardener)
  • Vyken (silver-furred Vulfen gardener)
  • Lokavar – Priest of the Sky House
  • Haf – Novitiate of the Sky House

Arric’s Party

  • Arric Cyrdaen – Son of Lord Maryc Cyrdaen of Tar Tranwyn
  • Ciari – a priestess of some kind?
  • Ciamhain – Bard, student of Vodaan
  • Telsara Yrlaedd – family came from Arddbyn.
  • Saar (Arric’s friend, bodyman, Saren)

Dun Mynn

  • Faen / Llewer – a Ternyn noble, Talented
  • didn’t really get the names of the Priest & Priestess of the Hunter & the Huntress.

Pynwydden Abbey

  • Fodaan – knew Arric
  • High Bard Faern – Thick, grey-red, Burl Ives
  • Abbess Gwyn – (meaning fair, and you can see it in her tall bearing).
  • Guaer – P’ntri.
  • Apprentice Durdd – Tall, gawky, well-meaning, oh the voice on him
  • Apprentice Siannic – Small, Arddbyn, clear face, beautiful. Oh, the hands on her.

Dun Crys

  • Kieran Crys – the new lord.
  • Bel Crys – the old lord, now dead.
  • Priest of Naur, the Storm Queen – old man Kelvyn
  • Biandan RI – brown king dogs
  • Gobháin & Clawr Yrlaedd – parents of Telsara
  • Arddbyn wizard: Erys, Warden of the Inlet of Skye


Caer Bwyn

  • Huw, Llewer’s Uncle
  • Dafydd, Llewer’s Cousin



Nightstone – magnets

Godsblood – hardened, golden metal

Questioners – Silent Question

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