Author: Pól

As above, so below

In the popular imagination, impressive things arise from a single heroic deed, based on a plan, executed with the will and support of the Light. There is probably trumpet-fare and cheering. This is only the thought of one who comes to the stage long after those who ached and bled to make it have passed…

Cern’s Tower … at last

Tubular Bells, Part One by Mike Oldfield on Grooveshark With the flames of Durn’s smithy consuming the bodies behind them, fat sizzling even in the rain, they made their way across Faran’s Outpost. All cases of Witch hunting were difficult. This one seemed to be in an irritating category all its own. Back in Malkrin’s…

Oh, dear, we’ve arrived at the Caravan

The break-in at the Night Driver’s secure carriage was repeated with some shenanigans. The dark box was there, covered in white lacework. Chain opened it and looked inside. It was full of dark silks, but not Oakskin. The group closed up and re-locked the carriage. Oakskin went off into the night, full of fear and…

Birth in Faran’s Outpost

The day passed individually, separated as they were across the wide spaces of Faran’s Outpost.  In retrospect, that was not perhaps the safest or wisest thing they had done in the last days. Investigation Day At the Winter Wolf, Burl intercepted the regathering group. The Mayor was calling for the Witch Hunters. It seemed his wife,…


In the silences of the Prospectress laying in the mud with three knives adding to the new wounds in her dead body, the rain poured down. It was only the first of the indignities visited upon the Prospect shop that night. After some chaotic discussion, it was decided that Jack would use a shovel to…

When the Dead Go Walking

Mood Music They split up. This is how it always begins. The Witch Hunter went to the wall and fired a white-feathered crossbow bolt into the teeth of the storm toward the finger. Then he and Jack went to the Winter Wolf Inn and spoke long and low in their dark-ceilinged room until their minds…

What Forest is Strange

Down the white brick road they went from the Roothouse. At the edge of the orchard, they stopped by a thicker swirling mist, and planned. They needed to know the nature of the Beast before trying to save it. Eventually, it seemed clear that Oakskin should go, for her light step and her womanhood, given…

Down in the Dark the Stone Does Not Love the Light

Down there, under 20 feet of earth and a foot of pale stone, on a raised circular dais under 30 more feet of air, with the broken links of the massive chain lying among them, they surveyed a chamber built in the time of Legends, when the gods of Light fought for the world. The…

Apple and Orchard

Clouds gathered in the green hills north of Haven. The strong grass and rumors of wet air reminded them why that dry, mucky place had seemed so hateful. They traveled in silence, because perhaps words seemed so heavy. The first night, they camped in the open , near a little water. The 2nd night, they…

Of Wolfen and Walkers

The Hound took off around the small Chapel toward the high sandstone wall. The others spread out slowly, the Healer disappearing into the shade of one of the poplar trees, the Witch Hunter striding after the Hound, the Captain stepping closer to the monk, sword coming free. There was a long moment of tension in…