Category: Numenera

Truth of history

Breaking the Black Diamond   Invisible Beside, behind and around all the questionably-noble personages cluttering up plinths and squares and balustrades are the heroes not cast in synth and titanium. Those whose secret and costly movements truly bank the world into a new course. The destruction of the Black Diamond ( the fortress of the terror that…

Orienting to the Truth

In the aftermath of the battle, they walked among the men, healing wounds, dealing with the dead – including making sure that the pale man, D’vorak the Endless, remained dead despite the particles in his body that were laboring toward his resurrection. Judging by Roz’ bruises, keeping him down was a good idea. Thom tended to their…

High Price of Liberation

Unleashing terror upon the camp disabled many of the soliders. Rising to battle them nonetheless were: laser spheres animated armor suits chalk-white warlord with some entranced gaians crystal star refrigerator man The battle was intense, and on. A force field protected by the laser spheres kept Gabriel mostly out of the fight.   At the…

Missives of the Atom

Alien duplo blocks laid out like a child’s experiment creating enough clean fusion power to split the night with a focused plasma torch and power four (now one) Archangels soaring the clean airs of the northern Steadfast. The Gaian wave of the Tithe that broke a million-year-old safety-design project could not destroy it. A Nano of the…

A New Capacity

Takir was wakened from the tomb he had used to shroud and protect himself from the wrath of the Tithe and the ticked-down metabolism that kept him free of the need to respire or for his heart to beat. Hasver went into the command vault and diddled with the crew of the Archangel Gabriel, using…

Archangel Sighting

The boat was fine. Roz was fine. The baby was a bit squashed. He looked serious, little Koshi. And miffed, to be fair. Maybe serpent-lady boobs weren’t as comforting as you’d think? There was flat, unremarkable twilight as far as the eye could see. Maybe there was no more land. Maybe this was a flood…

If You Could Save One Thing

As Hasver’s dark fingers clasped the white-gloved hand of Lady Jiara, her blue wolf eyes peering at him over the rims of her dark spectacles, the Light went quite suddenly out of Hasver’s staff and the man himself; he toppled headfirst to the deck; his new Synth body undamaged by the fall. Distressed, but not showing…

Same Witch, Different Day

It seemed that the changes that stretched and colored Roz were not only of the flesh. It was evident to all of them that Seniya was not who she claimed to be. Her own flabbergasting at her failure to be satisfied by their information about Starloscet showed that even she was aware of it. Gently,…

Off They Go Again…

They all got used to Roz’ new and adapted self, though she kept clicking her teeth quietly on all the dental sounds of the Truth as though something weren’t put together quite right – which certainly it wasn’t. Out in the Pit, the machines down below were winding up or winding down, a soft glow…

Befriend the Tumor

Like many care-givers, Roz turned out to be a terrible patient. Not only did she seem to have a natural resistance to the gharolan, but her parasite seemed to have gotten the word that extinction was on the menu, and by the time the whine of the Impossible Blade droned in their ears, a greenish…