Category: Invisible Sun

Chapter 7: Passage (2019-12-15)

The Weaver’s Cafe Naranth’s Weaver cell is based out of a conveniently-visible cafe in the Topiary district of Satyrine. (Meaning none but members or like-minded Weavers can even find the brick lined place with its slow service and its even slower courtyard service.) Founded by Rota (3rd Degree), Heliophon (4th) and a rarely-present Kyrie (5th),…

Chapter 5: Patronage

Enkidu Fissure sits up in his house that is a refuge spoiled by time and loss. He sits up in something like his house, knowing instinctively, with a sure sense, that this is not his house. He’s in a long corridor, green carpet strip held down by brass railings between a long line of pale…

Chapter 4: Master Naranth

WHAT ALES YOU In a corner of “For What Ales You,” a quiet argument was transpiring between three Elderbrin. It gradually grew more animated (and less comprehensible) as the combatants reverted to their native language, replete with gestures, glottal stops, and incongruous transformations. Having had enough, one of the Elderbrin left with a dramatic flourish…

Chapter 3: Angels Weep

2018-10-7 Leaving Aunt Crystal’s house, it turned out that Zerah’s damage to himself with his Ambulatory Bloodfire Oath was more severe than anticipated. Getting him back inside her house was only slightly more awful than the process of disentangling Naranth from Aunt Crystal’s moth “clothing” after their queen had laid eggs in his clothing… his…

Chapter 2: The Abiding Curse

As the vislae agonized, the quiet, percussive sounds of nighttime gradually provided accompaniment. The chirping of insects harmonized with other less identifiable Satyrine strangeness in an almost hypnotic, rhythmic beat, which in turn was slowly overpowered by a dull roar of rushing air and fierce steam. The beat persisted in the form of a harsh…

Ah… Satyrine

Thriving and ever-changing, Satyrine easily accommodated four new arrivals within its walls; however, the entangling and radiating influence of their histories and current machinations could already be felt in the neighborhoods where each made his berth. Whether great or terrible (or both), the full impacts of their destinies remained to be seen… It was no…