Category: Exalted

Sand. Blood. Judgement.

The inside of the beetle brightened with a light that was too white to be made of Creation’s set of colors. Instead of Translation, SEGL called it Transition. Instead of longing, their hearts were scoured as by bitter sand: it was the loss of getting where you had been going, but the going had gone…

Dreams that Break like Waves…

After Autochthon and the watery hold of the cavern with its gold and silver doors, the light and sound and smells of the city of Citrus and Sea is something of a surprise, a small assault on the senses. And the Sidereal Exalted, Sanito Mundum, greeting them at the doors, welcoming them, saying he knew…

Within the Body

Second Efficient Gathering of Loam described the movement between Creation and her home in the body of Autochthon as Translation. No matter the language of origin or destination, the complexity or lack thereof, every ear and every heart knows that no poem survives translation intact. The looming creature identified itself as Heliotropic Office of Pure…

A Night of Murder

In the arms of a gnarled apricot slowly weeping amber, they found White Feather waiting for them. The white eagle launched itself into a glide along the ground, leading them through the night city, whose scalloped folds and tall trees seemed designed to baffle interlopers. In their flight, they surprised and knocked down several indigo-robed…


They negotiated a disturbing trade with Second Efficient Gathering of Loam (SEaGuLl). They rested across the long warmth of the morning, and set off across the edge of the Sea of Grass toward the Port City of Rewan. Evening approached as they made their way into the strange steppe-farms of the area and past several…


Synopsis Discussed leaving the caravan un-Exalted and decided to leave Brink and Grayn to guard the caravan Early the next morning some distance back from the x-roads, found Daring Failure wandering, confused by a camp of men, holding 6 lariats, 1 for each of the men he figured he had lost but forgotten; he also had…

Funerary Rites

After Oakskin faded away, the Night Driver’s words seemed to lay in the too-green grass that looked blood-black in the starlight, they seemed to lay in the folds of the hills as cunning echoes, timed to replay themselves just when the Night Guard had begun to forget. For some of them, the echo began, “……

The Dark Moon Never Appears

Who can say when change starts exactly? Did it happen when they left Haven? Was there something in the mists outside that little Waymount place Apple avoided entirely? Was it when Oakskin refused the Night Driver’s hospitality and told him to shove his precious secrets? Was it deciding to save the Legion instead of a…

Oh, dear, we’ve arrived at the Caravan

The break-in at the Night Driver’s secure carriage was repeated with some shenanigans. The dark box was there, covered in white lacework. Chain opened it and looked inside. It was full of dark silks, but not Oakskin. The group closed up and re-locked the carriage. Oakskin went off into the night, full of fear and…

What Forest is Strange

Down the white brick road they went from the Roothouse. At the edge of the orchard, they stopped by a thicker swirling mist, and planned. They needed to know the nature of the Beast before trying to save it. Eventually, it seemed clear that Oakskin should go, for her light step and her womanhood, given…