Episode 6 happenings:

  • Drawn into another world – the Tuhál of the morning
  • Heroes were attacked by visages of Ddurn, the god of death (one of those who stands apart) in the shape of The Stranger on the Road – a white-robed figure bearing a silver sickle
  • An ant-like shadow warns the heroes that they should run “before the story gets ahold of them”
  • Discover the secret society, the Yellow Strangers – fronted by yellow-haired women, interested in bringing strangers into their ranks to fix “the troubles of the world”
  • They move toward the center of Caer Cuval, to the earthwork dome of the Crown – find it topped by a yew tree of mythic proportions – easily as tall as the buttress of the Crown itself
  • Meet the talking animal advisors to the queen
  • Get a few from the great boughs of 3 dangers to Tuhal – in the west, a wall of night into which things fall; in the north the expanded black edges of the Teinwood with a brooding chant hanging over it, and to the East of the Godsblood river, a vast storm that seemed to devour the rest of the world.
  • King Ebutilon, under the watchful eye of the Queen’s winged horns, leans down and kisses the Queen, waking her

In this Episode:

  • the heroes wake Queen Aía from her slumber and take counsel with her about her sacrifices
  • the 3 Dangers, which they have seen
  • the 3 Enemies – the bandit king, the yellow king, and the wolf king
  • they have gifts for the queen, but what are the gifts truly for…?