Numenera is a world where everything is made of secrets, of memories of the previous 8 worlds.
In each person there is the knowledge that humanity is back in the 9th World for a reason, but for what reason, not even the Amber Pope can say.
Out at the edge of the Confederacy of States there are wild places – some dangerous, some gentle but strange. The city of Booda is the gentle kind. The hidden mountain city of Pesht is the other. You’ve been out on your own in the wilds for some time, and have returned to trade your finds and collect your bounties and have found yourself low on shin (money in Numenera).
The Mayor has put out a call for a group of skilled wild-landers – any Jacks, Glaives and Nanos that might not be adverse to making the difficult trek through the mountains. No one has heard from Pesht over the long months of winter. But now spring has taken hold and the usual trade carts of their crafts and goods and culinary wonders has not arrived. Nor have any Pulses from the Mayor’s Caller (a connectionless communication device anchored to another device) gotten any return.
The pay for news – and even more for the return of trade – would be enough to set you on your feet for your next good wander. You’ve given it some thought and turned up at the Mayor’s office at the appointed time. Although the Mayor is running late. The assembled crowd are:

Recent Adventures
- Episode 19 – 2021-05-05
- Episode 18 – Earth 2020-10-22
- Episode 17 – Taming the Wind 2020-09-02
- Episode 16 – Ancient Ones 2020-08-26
- Episode 15 – The Blade or the Stone that Interrogated 2020-08-13
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