The Amber Pope has pronounced that the aggression and darkness of the Gaian Heresy is no longer to be tolerated.
In the shining Steadfast City of Uxphon, Baron Tichronius is answering the heralds’ calls. He will be marching on the Cloud Crystal Skyfields to the north with an army of The Truth’s crusaders.
[soliloquy id=”1572″]The large Baronial estate needs tending, organizing and protecting – so whether you are a genius, a man of many trades, or a clever weaponmaster, you may find a few weeks’ safe employment while the Baron marches off to war.
What sews you into this story, and gives evidence of your genius?
How do I join up?
- Go through the Numenera background and
- the character creation rules, and
- send in a character idea!
There’s a great character creation website you can use to make a character. There may be others – let me know!
See the Character Creation page if you want to have me do the stats for you!
The runs every Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 at my loft in Oakland by the 880 & 23rd Ave.
Join us!
Adventures so far
- Uxphon – Tichronus Estate (5/15/2014)
- Circle Verdigris Em Water (5/27/2014)
- Mothers Have Two Mouths (6/17/2014)
- Hasver and Lily and the dark light (6/25/2014)
- “You Gonna Miss the Pike!” (6/26/2014)
- The River God that Doesn’t Swim (7/4/2014)
- Rivers Have 2 Mouths? (7/11/2014)
- Cagyn Rilid and the Nagaina (7/24/2014)
- Priests Are Always Prepared (7/31/2014)
- Duality, Dawn and the Gleaming Sea (8/13/2014)
- Skating to the Light (8/15/2014)
- Into the Deep (8/21/2014)
- Into the Belly of Pain (8/28/2014)
- End of the Maelstrom (9/4/2014)
- Into the Light (9/11/2014)
- Up. River. (9/18/2014)
- Questioning the Dawn (10/8/2014)
- Thin Ends and Floating (10/13/2014)
- Into the Pit (10/24/2014)
- Out of the Hasver and into the Fire (12/23/2014)
- Surgical Betrayal (1/15/2015)
- Turnabout is Fair Trade (2/4/2015)
- Melting Pot (2/5/2015)
- Befriend the Tumor (2/13/2015)
- Off They Go Again… (3/5/2015)
- Same Witch, Different Day (3/12/2015)
- If You Could Save One Thing (3/19/2015)
- Archangel Sighting (3/31/2015)
- A New Capacity (4/8/2015)
- Missives of the Atom (4/9/2015)
- High Price of Liberation (5/22/2015)
- Orienting to the Truth (5/28/2015)
- Truth of history (6/25/2015)
Recent Adventures
- Episode 19 – 2021-05-05
- Episode 18 – Earth 2020-10-22
- Episode 17 – Taming the Wind 2020-09-02
- Episode 16 – Ancient Ones 2020-08-26
- Episode 15 – The Blade or the Stone that Interrogated 2020-08-13
Recent Comments
Aberafon Arddbyn Autochthon BoarPort Caer Cuval Cahál Cathal Conclusion Coronation Dranbui Elderwood Erulian Exalted Exotelligence Foraise Gaians gharolan Harmuth Hasver Haven Hunter Huntress Investigation Ionad Llewer Moyag Nagaina Nobility parasite Prolog Pynwydden Abbey Rhys RowanOak Sacred Grove Shon'Ai Sky House South Steadfast Stone Village Ternyn Teuthal Tithe Tuhál Uxphon White Fort