In the arms of a gnarled apricot slowly weeping amber, they found White Feather waiting for them. The white eagle launched itself into a glide along the ground, leading them through the night city, whose scalloped folds and tall trees seemed designed to baffle interlopers. In their flight, they surprised and knocked down several indigo-robed…
They negotiated a disturbing trade with Second Efficient Gathering of Loam (SEaGuLl). They rested across the long warmth of the morning, and set off across the edge of the Sea of Grass toward the Port City of Rewan. Evening approached as they made their way into the strange steppe-farms of the area and past several…
Mabon Night
They found a Stevedore named Ruarídgh Hostler to take the barrel full of Cwyn for early delivery to the Sky House. The day yawned and passed. Mab lingered at the Goat’s Head public house, and tried not to drink too much. The feast roared and laughed outside, wheeling like a flock of over- and under-dressed…
Synopsis Discussed leaving the caravan un-Exalted and decided to leave Brink and Grayn to guard the caravan Early the next morning some distance back from the x-roads, found Daring Failure wandering, confused by a camp of men, holding 6 lariats, 1 for each of the men he figured he had lost but forgotten; he also had…
Funerary Rites
After Oakskin faded away, the Night Driver’s words seemed to lay in the too-green grass that looked blood-black in the starlight, they seemed to lay in the folds of the hills as cunning echoes, timed to replay themselves just when the Night Guard had begun to forget. For some of them, the echo began, “……
Gifts and Undeserved Wonders
They stood in that lovely room that must have overlooked the city, but whose many screened windows were beginning to burn indistinctly with the dawn that was starting outside. Did he repeat himself, telling them once more, “I am Ilír, Siar na Siarái of Gaudr, Lord of the Lighted Vaults of Heaven. I have lost…
Why do things begin in such a way?
Leaving the quit inn room in the Sign of the Rooster, by the edge of Ionad, Mab and Cwyn headed across the city to Diarmuid’s office hidden away in the quiet residential neighborhood near the White Canal. He’d said he needed help with something at sunset. They arrived more or less promptly, Dolain the Wanderer…
Friends in the Dark
The Witch Hunter and the Hound went to get the Witch Hunter’s elvish plate mail before venturing into the dark. Part way to the inn, as they passed Malkrin’s shop, two things happened like a double-strike of the hammer on the hot anvil: the pouring, pounding downward pressure of the rain ended with a sudden…
The Dark Moon Never Appears
Who can say when change starts exactly? Did it happen when they left Haven? Was there something in the mists outside that little Waymount place Apple avoided entirely? Was it when Oakskin refused the Night Driver’s hospitality and told him to shove his precious secrets? Was it deciding to save the Legion instead of a…
Further down the Old One Hole Alice Went…
While they crossed the city under pounding rain, Alain dreamed. [learn_more caption=”Gazing into the Eye”] Your hand on the diagram was a stranger’s hand with you hiding inside of it. Your hand on the eye was your hand reaching into space, and having space pull you in. The Ley Lines, or the Lifeskein as the…
Recent Adventures
- Episode 19 – 2021-05-05
- Episode 18 – Earth 2020-10-22
- Episode 17 – Taming the Wind 2020-09-02
- Episode 16 – Ancient Ones 2020-08-26
- Episode 15 – The Blade or the Stone that Interrogated 2020-08-13
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