Tag: Cahál

Blue and Green

Caerdwynn: I don’t know what forsaken hour it is any longer, or long we’ve been here atop this sinking tower, with the beacon fire our lone shield against night and the cold. It feels like days have passed. I’m tired, but I know the night is far from over. I mustn’t show any weakness here,…

The Fens

Afloat in the heavy but light-floating Saren dugout, they made their way serenely along the swollen river. The grasslands and empty, flooded fishing villages of southern Cahál slid past, quiet, lovely, home to white, long-legged cranes stepping with delicacy among the grasses and reeds. The river was swift in its swollen banks, hurrying to fill…

Meet the People

In the morning, they feasted on the bounty of the plains and discussed their options. Dian felt that they would know no hardship crossing the spring bounty of open Cahál toward the Maevan Swamp. Given the party’s reluctance to get involved in politics, Dian suggested a route that took them through the plains of the south…

Farmlands and unexpected Ease

Another day Dian lingerd with them on the slopes of the mountain where the Draoi came to recuperate from long labors. He was relaxed and full of information, and everything the duo had yet to have in a companion. Calmly convinced that they had saved Mawr from certain destruction, he was willing to aid them…

A New History (ch 2)

The two of them woke, alone and stinking on a bed of pine needles that they had obviously occupied on and off for some time, given all the evidence. No sign of Saar or Guaer or Fodan. Somewhere nearby, over their stench, Bayeo could scent water and sulfur. Up a hill out of the pine…

14 – Elderwood

The party decided, at the last, to turn north, delaying Evayn’s return home in favor of securing horses and the possibility of armed aid through Llewer’s influence in Ternyn. The miles slide away underneath them as they walk the Ribbon north along Arddbyn’s great green open cow pastures – though they see no sign of…

13 – Siar means Speaker

NPCs Evayn – Young female Siar of the unknown voice Summary At the depression circling the town, Bayeo was overcome by vertigo and fell to the ground. Heaven and earth seemed to change places, and he clung to the grass, howling, as figures of Vulfen grandfathers seemed to tower above him, and a trough of…