Tag: Ionad

Mabon Night

They found a Stevedore named Ruarídgh Hostler to take the barrel full of Cwyn for early delivery to the Sky House. The day yawned and passed. Mab lingered at the Goat’s Head public house, and tried not to drink too much. The feast roared and laughed outside, wheeling like a flock of over- and under-dressed…

Gifts and Undeserved Wonders

They stood in that lovely room that must have overlooked the city, but whose many screened windows were beginning to burn indistinctly with the dawn that was starting outside. Did he repeat himself, telling them once more, “I am Ilír, Siar na Siarái of Gaudr, Lord of the Lighted Vaults of Heaven. I have lost…

Why do things begin in such a way?

Leaving the quit inn room in the Sign of the Rooster, by the edge of Ionad, Mab and Cwyn headed across the city to Diarmuid’s office hidden away in the quiet residential neighborhood near the White Canal. He’d said he needed help with something at sunset. They arrived more or less promptly, Dolain the Wanderer…