Tag: RowanOak

Down the Rowan Path

Some distance down the challenging wind along the AbhainnRo, they came upon a woman writing bloody instructions on the trunk of a felled oak that lay bloated in the river. As they approached with fell intent, she shouted the work “Away”, and raised an illicit writing-covered staff. In a flash of blatant power, she vanished,…

Sweat and Preparation

A little past 3 miles, several hundred paces beyond the enormous circle of dead oaks, they found a Wayfrost grove – the ancient evergreens grown in a circle, all their limbs facing out, the stump of the original Wayfrost enormous in their center. Cwyn uncovered a stone fire pit, and seats under the pine leaves,…

Shadows on The Rowan Track

The old couple slowly revealed that they had information and more for the two dirty men, but that they needed … evidence. Proof that they were who they said they were. Lintel – above the door of the stone house, is written “Hope” Quest – they came here at the behest of the Siar na…

Failed Quest

They woke in the dark again. A wolf was howling in the woods. Grimly, Cwyn growled, “Meraig,” like a curse, which he probably was. There was also the problem of a dead singer on the ground among the blue-gray twigs. Should they go? Should they stay, and honor him with some kind of burial? Shifting…