Tag: Tuhál

4 – Dun Mynn

By the time they got back to their camp, Haf was doing poorly. What had been a sweat of exertion had become something else. While Saar and Caerdwyn packed up their camp (because there was no power under the Night House that could compel Caerdwyn to spend another single moment near that place), Haf seemed…

3 – Ceann na Dana

On their way out of Tar Tranwyn, the Sky House priest, Lokavar, met with them and suggested he was moved by Caerdwyn’s speech, and would like to send his apprentice, Haf, along with them. Caerdwyn and Bayeo agreed. That night, Bayeo was roused by a distant howling and made his way out of the grounds…

2 – Builder Structures and Belief

Caerdwyn writes with his saliva on the wall of the dry fountain room, and manages to open a door where there was only a wall before. To both of them it felt not quite like unsealing a door as pulling pieces of Nightstone together as they both pushed away from each other and tried to…

1 – First Task

After some small time acclimating in the capitol of Tuhál, Caer Cuval, Caerdwyn was called before the head of the order of Questioners and given a mission to go to Tar Tranwyn and administer the Test to Lord Cyrdaen’s son, Arric. On the way NE to Tar Tranwyn, Bayeo and Caerdwyn passed through Murctyn, a…