Tag: Uxphon

Up. River.

Motoring through the morning mist with Frund, the chutter and thunk of his boat is a comfort, but a prickly reminder of the thrumming down in the dark and crushing sea, in that … Lair. The mist peeled back eventually, and the warm blue sky peered down at them, as though it were the most…

“You Gonna Miss the Pike!”

A difficult night showed hard on Hasver’s face. The sumptuous breakfast and the crisp Servilan went largely unnoticed. Over lizards in a blanket and char, Hasver took a turn at confessions. He seems to have known Lily from somewhere behind the opaque glass of his past. She seemed to be bound to the Tichronus estate…

Uxphon – Tichronus Estate

[learn_more caption=”Jack and Hasver made their way to Uxphon”] The strange red-and-black-striped dirigible was probably alive. That’s what you decided after half a week among its small staterooms. It had a smell to it that wasn’t unpleasant but that seemed to accrue over days as the smell of a faithful beast does. The small larder was…